Saturday, June 4, 2011


I know these are small animals, but I am using the term wildlife as just general category to organize my photos. These are insects, birds, and snails. I am hoping to expand my collection to larger animals, but you got to start small!
Oh and funny story about the bird. This bird is one of three that made a nest in out carport last year. They drove us nuts! Loudly chirping, pooping all over the carport and our car, and swooping all around us. Once their eggs hatched and the babies could fly we removed the nest. Well spring came around this year and lo and behold, they're back. This one was swooping through the carport and would land on the branch before swooping through again. This went on and on for a while so I was able to get a few of it perched on the branch.



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There is a teeny, tiny family of bugs making this rose their home! I didn't notice the baby bugs until I got home and went to process the photo. It was such a pleasant surprise :)



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